The Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown to be a galaxy-spanning entity where billions of lives are at stake. The Ant-Man series acts as a counterbalance, offering smaller adventures within the universe. Following the events of the first Ant-Man film Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and his daughter Hope (Evangeline Lilly) are given hope that they can save the original Wasp (Michelle Pfeiffer) from the Quantum Realm. They […]
Author: Kieran Freemantle
Mission: Impossible – Fallout Review
Mission Impossible is one of Paramount’s most lucrative and popular franchises and proves that Tom Cruise is still a credible action star in his mid-50s. Now a sixth film is out it is one of the best the franchise has to offer. Two years after the event of Rogue Nation the reminding members of the Syndicate have reformed to […]