Film Film Reviews

Cleaner Review

Cleaner feels like a relic from a bygone era. The many comparisons it’s received to Die Hard are debatable, although the marketing is certainly inviting them. To be fair, their cores are the same: an action-thriller in the style of an airport novel about an unassuming person thrust into a dangerous situation whose skills and […]

Film Film Reviews

Bring Them Down Review

As long as there have been tales of revenge, there have been warnings about its tendency to consume its practitioners. For every satisfying story of vanquishing one’s enemies, a counterpoint exists that focuses on the harm it does to the righteous, complicating their catharsis. But recently, we’ve seen more tales in which it goes so […]

Film Film Reviews

Love Me Review

The core theme of Love Me destined it to be labeled a pandemic-era movie. While Americans had already been experiencing epidemic levels of loneliness in the late 2010s, the outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns highlighted what was already there while deepening that isolation. We were drowning in a preponderance of think pieces and studies […]