Kieran Freemantle and Jean Henegan by joined by Andrea M. Catinella to discuss the history and issues of video game adaptations. d
Film Articles
Britflix: The Falling
The Falling was a drama written and directed by Carol Morley and notable for giving many young British actors their first major roles. Lydia (Maisie Williams) and Abigail (Florence Pugh) are best friends and attend an all-girls school in 1960s England. Abigail is more sexually experienced, leading her to become pregnant. When a tragedy strikes the […]
10 Great Candidates to Play James Bond
The role of James Bond is currently vacant, and speculation is high regarding who could be the next 007. It’s one of the most coveted roles in cinema and the media and fans have suggested many candidates. I am Pop Culture Maniacs’ resident Bond fan so I am offering up a list of 10 candidates […]
The James Bond Movies Ranked
The Bond franchise is one of the most successful in pop culture. The film franchise celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, spanning 25 official films and three unofficial films. They span a wide spectrum in quality, story, and tone and the franchise has been able to adapt to changing tastes and a changing political situation. […]
Britflix: Split Second
The stereotype of British cinema is usually prestigious period dramas and hilarious comedies. 1992’s Split Second offered something different: B-movie schlock. In the far-off year of 2008 Global Warming has flooded London. This has turned London into a rain-soaked, crime-ridden, rat-infected hellhole, so how London has always been. Harley Stone (Rutger Hauer) is a police detective […]
The Pitfalls of Digital Media
The past decade has seen a rise in digital media. There has been a rise in streaming services and digital stores, as well as a decline in physical media sales and cinema attendance. This has led to some critics declaring that digital media is the future and that cinemas and physical media have had their […]
Britflix: 28 Weeks Later
In the previous Britflix retrospective, I looked at one of my favourite British horror films, 28 Days Later. So, it seemed fair to look at the sequel that’s celebrating its 15th anniversary. 28 weeks after the rage virus outbreak the American military declare Britain is safe for repatriation and the Isle of Dogs is declared a […]
Britflix: 28 Days Later
In the first two decades of the 21st century we saw the resurrection of the zombie genre. One of the key films responsible for this revival was 28 Days Later, a film that is now 20 years old. Jim (Cillian Murphy) is a bike courier who awakes from a 28-day long coma and finds that Central London has been […]
Britflix: Dog Soldiers
2002’s Dog Soldiers was a film that did three remarkable things when it was released. It gave Neil Marshall his feature film debut, helped revitalise the horror genre in Britain, and was a rare modern werewolf film. Since it’s celebrating its 20th anniversary it’s worth checking out. A small army platoon is sent to the Scottish Highlands […]
Britflix: The Railway Children
The 1970 adaptation of The Railway Children is considered a quintessential family film for British audiences. A sequel is set to be released, so now seems like a great time to check out this beloved film. The Waterbury family is an affluent family in Edwardian London. However, their fortunes take a turn for the worse when Charles […]