Note: This article will contain spoilers for seasons one and two of Killing Eve. If you haven’t watched either season, might I recommend dropping what you are currently doing and starting? Season one is available on Hulu and season two is on demand from BBC America/AMC. I absolutely loved the first season of BBC America’s […]
Game of Thrones: What Could Happen Next
The Game of Thrones is over. The White Walkers have been defeated, the North has gained its independence and a Stark has been elected to rule the remaining kingdoms. The TV series has come to an end and the conclusion being divisive, to say the least, and the events of the final season do have […]
Game of Thrones – The Iron Throne Review
Well, I didn’t quite get it all right with my prediction last week, but I got pretty darn close. Jon didn’t get the Throne – instead he got a trip back to The Wall (the only place he ever truly fit in, if we’re being honest), and a really lovely reunion with Ghost (I still […]
What to Watch on HBO Now that Game of Thrones is Ending
So, Game of Thrones is about to end and you still have your HBO subscription for the rest of the month and want to make the most of it? Or, you’ve opted to wait it out until Big Little Lies returns later this summer, and you’re looking for something to tide you over until then? […]
Bodyguard Season One Review
Bodyguard was one of the biggest hits from the BBC in recent years, being a big blockbuster show from the broadcaster. The UK is suffering from a heightened terrorist threat and the Home Secretary Julia Montague (Keeley Hawes) plans to introduce a controversial bill that would widen the powers of the security services. In the midst […]
Game of Thrones – The Bells Review
Let’s get this out of the way right now: That was not a good episode of television. It certainly wasn’t a good penultimate episode of a series. And it definitely wasn’t a good penultimate episode of television for a series that has spent so many years toiling in the minutia of character development and palace […]
Game of Thrones – The Last of the Starks
Well, I guess Missandei and Grey Worm won’t be getting that beach front property after all (too soon?). There’s a general problem that arises as a series that is as plot heavy as Game of Thrones approaches its end game: characters and story arcs become rigidly stuck along a particular path to get to the […]
Ghosts – Gorilla War Review
Following a fairly uninspired opening episode, “Gorilla War” is a much stronger offering for Ghosts. After being pushed off a window ledge and waking from a coma’ Alison has gained the ability to see the dead. Thinking she has a concussion Alison tries to ignore the ghosts who attempt to drive her and her partner out […]
Game of Thrones – The Long Night
That was, dare I say, pretty disappointing? For all the hype, for all the talk of the longest sustained battle on screen, for all the warning of painful character deaths, we got that? An hour and a half of quick, confusing cuts (that made it incredibly hard to understand just what was happening- and who […]
Ghosts – Who Do You Think You Are? Review
Ghosts is the latest comedy show that the BBC has been heavily promoting and a part of their Monday night comedy double-bill. The only thing the opening episode had to offer was a mild entertainment. Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe) are a young couple struggling to find their first property. They come into some sort of fortune when a […]