Kin-iro Mosaic is the anime adaptation of Yui Hara’s slice-of-life comedic manga. It’s known as Kinmoza or translated as “Golden Mosaic.” Apart from the anime, which ran for two seasons, as Kin-iro Mosaic and Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic, there was also a 50-minute OVA entitled Kin-iro Mosaic: Pretty Days and 82-minute film Kin-iro Mosaic: Thank You!! […]
TV Reviews
The Penguin – After Hours Review
As someone who never got around to watching Matt Reeves 2022 take on the caped crusader The Batman (you know, the one with Robert Pattinson taking on the titular role in a darker, less polished version of the character), I was worried that I would be a tad lost when I sat down to sample […]
Rings of Power – Where Is He? Review
This week’s installment of Rings of Power felt a tad overstuffed – even if it desperately needed to hit on all those plot points and locales in an attempt to draw the various storyline threads together as the series approaches the end of the season. And while that’s not necessarily a bad thing from a […]
Agatha All Along – Episodes One and Two Review
I’ll wholly admit to being skeptical about the decision to launch a spin-off of the exceptional – and, frankly, best MCU television series to date – WandaVision centered about Kathryn Hahn’s Agatha Harkness when it was announced. I mean, what was there to say about the character, whose revelation – and snappy song – was […]
Rings of Power – Halls of Stone Review
There we go. This week’s episode of Rings of Power may have been heavy on the plot (and light on the fighting), but it centered Sauron – sorry, make that Annatar ::wink:: – which helped to make the talking and plot development go down much smoother. As I mentioned in my overall season review, the […]
How to Die Alone Review
When watching the first season of HBO’s huge hit series White Lotus* back in 2021, I remember thinking, “Natasha Rothwell is something special. I can’t wait to see her in a starring role.” Well, with How to Die Alone, the excellent new dark comedy series that premieres later this week on Hulu, the world gets […]
The Rings of Power – Eldest Review
This week’s Rings of Power episode was an encapsulation of what works within the series and what is much less successful. We had our introduction to Tom Bombadil – the first time the hermit with a heart of gold has appeared on screen in live action form (with the great Rory Kinnear playing him) – […]
Slow Horses Season Four Review
Following an uneven third season (albeit one that saw the series get some long-overdue Emmy recognition), Slow Horses is back for a fourth season. And I’m happy to report that this one is much less bloody and violent and, on the whole, a much stronger story (even if some of the central mystery feels a […]
The Rings of Power – Episodes 1-3 Review
Listen, I know it will ultimately result in death and destruction throughout Middle Earth, but you really can see how tempting Sauron’s pitch to Celebrimbor was, right? Especially if one doesn’t know one is currently part of an epic saga entitled The Lord of the Rings where your actions spark an epic conflict. All I’m […]
The Rings of Power Season Two Review
When The Rings of Power premiered back in 2022 (yes, it’s been a full two years since we saw that initial run of episodes), it was greeted with mixed reviews (and a host of review bombing from a particular subset of the internet who has since moved onto MCU properties to express their ire with […]