TV TV Reviews

Pachinko Season Two Review

After a two-year hiatus, Pachinko, easily the best series currently airing on AppleTV+, has returned for its second season. And what a season it is. Everything that you loved about the gorgeous and emotionally challenging first season is back, only this time our knowledge of the characters and their histories – both personally and with […]

TV TV Reviews

Batman: Caped Crusader Review

When it comes to DC superheroes, I’ll admit to not being super up to date on who’s who and what’s what (much to the dismay of my father, who is a massive DC fan – sorry Dad). But if there’s one DC hero I’ve followed pretty closely into his various incarnations on TV and film […]

TV TV Reviews

House of the Dragon – Smallfolk Review

There have been two background storylines this season that have felt rather clunky in their lead up, but both finally started to pay dividends this week – just in time for each to heavily factor into the anticipated season endgame (which I won’t spoil, don’t worry, but if you’re a book reader, I suspect you’ve […]

TV TV Reviews

The Jetty Review

The Jetty is a female-centric police procedural starring and produced by Jenna Coleman. Ember Manning (Coleman) is a Detective Constable in a small town in Lancashire. The town is infamous for the disappearance of Amy Knightly 17 years prior. When Ember investigates an arson attack on the jetty it spirals into a case involving a pregnant […]

TV TV Reviews

Sunny Season One Review

So, I’m a bit late to the party when it comes to Sunny, the new dark comedy (very dark comedy) on AppleTV+. I saw the basic premise – that would be woman is given a robot and it sends her on a journey to try and find her presumed dead husband and son – and […]