Young Love is a mature animated comedy spun off from the short film, Hair Love, by Matthew A. Cherry, Everett Downing Jr., and Bruce W. Smith. Cherry, who created this series, began working in the entertainment industry in 2007. Downing created the Afrofuturist series My Dad the Bounty Hunter. Smith created The Proud Family and […]
Tag: animated series
Disenchantment Part 5 Spoiler-Filled Review
Disenchantment is a mature animated adventure fantasy. Well-known animation producer Matt Groening created the series and co-developed it with Josh Weinstein, who also worked on The Simpsons. Groening and Weinstein are executive producers, along with Rough Draft Studios Vice President Claudia Katz, writer Eric Horstead, writer and producer Bill Oakley, and former Writers Guild of […]
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder Season 2 Review
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder is a coming-of-age animated sitcom and adventure by Bruce W. Smith and Ralph Farquhar, two well-known producers. It is a revival and soft reboot of The Proud Family, a classic Disney series by Smith which aired in the early 2000s. This review will have spoilers. This animated series centers […]
Pitch Time: Sonic the Hedgehog Animated Series
Sonic the Hedgehog is a character who needs little introduction. He has been Sega’s mascot since 1991, been in numerous games, cartoon shows, comic books, and a live-action movie. To celebrate Sonic’s 30th anniversary Sega have announced that the Blue Blur is set to lead an animated series for Netflix in 2022. As someone who grew […]