Villainous, also known as Villanos, is animated series which mixes the science fantasy, morbid humor, and comedy horror genres. Alan Ituriel, a veteran of the Mexican animation industry, is the series creator. This series is produced by Ituriel’s A.I. Animation Studios and Cartoon Network. Humberto Cervera and Mayte Sanz are also executive producers. This review […]
Tag: animated show
Rick and Morty – Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Repeat Review
RREveryone’s favourite grandfather and grandson duo are back for a fourth season and more sci-fi adventures. On their latest adventure Rick takes Morty to a planet where he can obtain death crystals – items that allow people to see how they die. Ironically, Rick doesn’t foresee his own death due to Morty seeing a future […]
Disenchantment Part 2 Review
After a wait of just over a year Disenchantment is back for a second part and shows that the series has matured – along with its characters. Dreamland has fallen: King Zøg (John DiMaggio) has been betrayed by his resurrected wife, Dagmar (Sharon Horgan), and the citizens have been turned to stone. Dagmar has taken her daughter, Princess Tiabeanie, AKA Bean (Abbi Jacobson) […]
BoJack Horseman Season Five (Spoiler-Filled) Review
On paper, it doesn’t sound like it should work: A streaming cartoon series that follows a washed-up sitcom star as he falls deeper into depression and substance abuse, alienating those around him and struggling with his past demons and present problems. Oh, and the lead is an anthropomorphized horse . . . and the other […]