The Long Song is a BBC miniseries based on a novel by the recently deceased Andrea Levy. What was created was a lavish, humorous and tragic period drama. The Long Song follows July (Tamara Lawrance), a house slave for the Mortimer family at the beginning of the 19th century. It is a time where slaves are starting […]
Tag: BBC
Doctor Who Season 11 Review
Since the revival of Doctor Who the show has seen its most extraordinary changes with a new creative team. There was a big risk with its choice of showrunner and Jodie Whittaker becoming the first female Doctor. Following her regeneration the Thirteenth Doctor lands in Sheffield and meets her new companions, Ryan (Tosin Cole), Yaz […]
How to Make the His Dark Materials Series: Advice from a Fan
Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy is one of my favourite series of novels, a complex trilogy of fantasy novels that appeal to people of all ages. It was a series that won the Carnegie Medal and Whitbread Book of the Year awards and was voted as one of the best novels by the British public back in 2003. In 2015 […]