Kin-iro Mosaic is the anime adaptation of Yui Hara’s slice-of-life comedic manga. It’s known as Kinmoza or translated as “Golden Mosaic.” Apart from the anime, which ran for two seasons, as Kin-iro Mosaic and Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic, there was also a 50-minute OVA entitled Kin-iro Mosaic: Pretty Days and 82-minute film Kin-iro Mosaic: Thank You!! […]
Tag: Blu-ray
Metallic Rouge Spoiler-Filled Review
Metallic Rouge, also known as Metarikku RÅ«ju, is an original mecha anime series. It is produced by Bones, for the studio’s 25th anniversary, an animation company known for Ouran High School Host Club, Gosick, Space Dandy, and Carole & Tuesday. Motonobu Hori directed the series. Supervising director Yutaku Izubuchi assisted him in series composition. Toshizo […]
Justice League x RWBY Super Heroes and Huntsmen, Part Two Spoiler-Filled Review
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen, Part 2, also known as Justice League x RWBY, RWBY x Justice League, or JLxRWBY for short, is the second part of an anime-inspired science fantasy action-adventure film. It brings together Justice League and RWBY characters. The first part was released on April 25, 2023. Yssa Badiola […]
Pop Culture Maniacs Podcast Episode #14: Physical and Digital Media
Kieran Freemantle and Jean Henegan discuss the current state of physical and digital media.
A Case for Physical Media
Since the rise of Netflix and streaming the future of home entertainment was going to be through the internet. For a time, from 2013 to 2018, it seemed possible due to dominates of Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. But I personally believe the predicted death of physical media has been grossly exaggerated. The claims that physical […]