It has been 39 years since the Transformers series made its cinematic debut with The Transformers: The Movie. Transformers One sees everyone’s favourite Autobots and Decepticons have their first cinematic animated adventure since the 1980s. Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry) are lowly miner bots who can’t transform. Even though the pair […]
Tag: Chris Hemsworth
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Review
It has been nine years since George Miller reintroduced audiences to the world of Mad Max with Mad Max: Fury Road. Now he has made a prequel focusing on Furiosa and has Anya Taylor-Joy in the lead role. In the future Australia becomes an eradicated wasteland with the only area that has fresh water and plant life being The Green Place of […]
Thor: Love and Thunder Review
Thor is one of the important members of the Avengers and he has done something Iron Man and Captain America couldn’t do and earn a fourth solo film. This film sees the return of a significant character and potentially Thor’s greatest threat. Since the events of Avengers: Endgame Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has gotten back in shape and […]
Bad Times at the El Royale Review
Bad Times at the El Royale was Drew Goddard’s homage to film noir and ensemble casts. What he created was a film about people with deep, dark secrets coalescing at a single location. The El Royale Hotel is literally on the border of California and Nevada. On one faithful day in 1969, five people with […]
The Marvel Cinematic Universe: Worst to Best
It is a hell of a time to be a Marvel fan. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been dominating the box-office with many being critical darlings and financial successes. Marvel Studios has been able to release 23 films over the course of 11 years; so averaging two films a year. Because Marvel has been able to produce […]
Men in Black: International Review
Men in Black was a pop culture phenomenon when it was first released in 1997. Since that time Sony has tried to recapture that magic and now they are attempting a soft-reboot. Molly Wright (Tessa Thompson) is a woman who had an encounter with the Men in Black as a child. She avoided being neuralized and […]
Avengers: Endgame Review
It has come to this, after 21 films over 11 years Marvel Studios has now developed their most ambitious film yet with Avengers: Endgame. Avengers: Endgame takes place five years after The Snap, the event that wiped out half of all living things. The remaining Avengers are divided and at their lowest ebb. When Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) returns […]