TV TV Reviews

Loki – Glorious Purpose Review

In the realm of television (well, at least Disney+ television), the MCU is currently batting .500. While WandaVision was a definite success, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was much more uneven and left a lot to be desired.* So, now we come to Loki, a series that takes an incredibly popular (and in the […]

Film Film Reviews

Cruella Review

In recent years Disney has gone back to their animated back catalogue so they can turn these classics into live-action films. Their latest film, Cruella, focuses on one of Disney’s greatest villains and sets the record straight for her. Estella Miller (Tipper Selfert-Cleveland) is a creative, forthright, yet disruptive child. After her mother’s death, Estella […]

Film Film Articles TV Articles

Fan Control: Why Giving Into Fandom Outrage is Bad for Hollywood

On Thursday, March 18, HBOMax (and by extension, Warner Brothers) released the “Snyder Cut” – writer-director Zack Snyder’s recut version of Warner Brother’s 2017 disappointment Justice League, the culmination of a years-long campaign by a very vocal segment of the internet who hated the original version of the film and demanded that the studio allow […]