Pop Culture Maniacs’ regular podcast hosts talk about and review Disney+’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Tag: Disney
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier – One World, One People Review
In the end, the grand message of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was a simple one – With great power comes great responsibility. Some of our characters learned it for themselves, some failed to learn it and paid the ultimate price, and some had to be taught it by our new Captain America in […]
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier – Truth Review
Here’s a lesson for all future MCU TV series: If a two-minute appearance by a well-known guest star can change the face of your show, elevating the energy level and making your audience perk up and take notice, more so than any action scene or character beat before or after, there’s a foundational issue with […]
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier – The Star-Spangled Man Review
Amazing how much better a show like The Falcon and The Winter Soldier becomes when you allow the titular characters (who have a proven track record of solid chemistry together) to actually work with one another! And, with a lot of the table-setting and expositional work handled in the series premiere (noting how messed up […]
Fan Control: Why Giving Into Fandom Outrage is Bad for Hollywood
On Thursday, March 18, HBOMax (and by extension, Warner Brothers) released the “Snyder Cut” – writer-director Zack Snyder’s recut version of Warner Brother’s 2017 disappointment Justice League, the culmination of a years-long campaign by a very vocal segment of the internet who hated the original version of the film and demanded that the studio allow […]
Pop Culture Maniacs Podcast Episode #15: WandaVision
Kieran Freemantle and Jean Henegan discuss and review the hit Disney+ show WandaVision P
WandaVision – The Series Finale Review
Finales are notoriously difficult to execute successfully when a show is just a simple procedural drama or episodic sitcom. That degree of difficulty grows exponentially when the series has a rabid fan base and has presented a quasi-puzzle box tale throughout its run (and if the show is all of that, plus years of waiting […]
Pop Culture Maniacs Podcast Episode #14: Physical and Digital Media
Kieran Freemantle and Jean Henegan discuss the current state of physical and digital media.
WandaVision – Previously On Review
What a tour de force performance from Elizabeth Olsen in “Previously On,” the WandaVision that attempts to fill in all the gaps (and boy, were there a ton of gaps) in Wanda’s MCU history. But Wanda wasn’t the only character getting some backstory in the penultimate episode of the series. We also learned a bit […]
WandaVision – Breaking the Fourth Wall Review
“Breaking the Fourth Wall” was a game-changer episode of WandaVision across a number of fronts. On the story side of the equation, we received confirmation as to just who nosy neighbor Agnes really is (confirming the suspicions of just about everyone – including me). On the theme-side of things, well, after spending 6.5 episodes in […]