Finales are notoriously difficult to execute successfully when a show is just a simple procedural drama or episodic sitcom. That degree of difficulty grows exponentially when the series has a rabid fan base and has presented a quasi-puzzle box tale throughout its run (and if the show is all of that, plus years of waiting […]
Tag: Disney
Pop Culture Maniacs Podcast Episode #14: Physical and Digital Media
Kieran Freemantle and Jean Henegan discuss the current state of physical and digital media.
WandaVision – Previously On Review
What a tour de force performance from Elizabeth Olsen in “Previously On,” the WandaVision that attempts to fill in all the gaps (and boy, were there a ton of gaps) in Wanda’s MCU history. But Wanda wasn’t the only character getting some backstory in the penultimate episode of the series. We also learned a bit […]
WandaVision – Breaking the Fourth Wall Review
“Breaking the Fourth Wall” was a game-changer episode of WandaVision across a number of fronts. On the story side of the equation, we received confirmation as to just who nosy neighbor Agnes really is (confirming the suspicions of just about everyone – including me). On the theme-side of things, well, after spending 6.5 episodes in […]
WandaVision – All-New Halloween Spooktacular! Review
Well, it certainly appears that things are quickly spiraling out of control – both for our titular couple and for the SWORD team led by the morally ambiguous Tyler Hayward, which means we’re heading into the final stretch of WandaVision. With Vision unable to truly break free of the hold Wanda has on Westview and […]
WandaVision – On a Very Special Episode. . . Review
Lots to discuss in this week’s jam-packed episode of WandaVision – the first one that really felt like an episode of the show Marvel likely wanted to make and not a piece of exposition to get us ready for the real story to begin. We have Vision starting to see through the ever widening cracks […]
WandaVision – We Interrupt This Program Review
So, four episodes into WandaVision and we have what appears to be the answer as to who or what is manipulating Westview, New Jersey: Wanda. Yup, it looks like there’s no hidden witches or devils, just an extremely powerful mutant who can manipulate reality and potentially destroy the world. Is it a bit disappointing that […]
Wandavision – Now in Color Review
“Now in Color,” the third episode of Wandavision, brings our two leads into the swinging ’70s – complete with technicolor, a new Brady Bunch-esque set and opening credits sequence, and era appropriate phraseology to boot. The episode also brought us a step closer to solving the mystery of just what is happening with Wanda to […]
Wandavision – Episodes 1 and 2 Review
Let me level with you: I don’t know the endgame for Wandavision. I don’t know why Wanda seems to be living in recreations of classic sitcoms (The Dick Van Dyke Show and Betwitched would be the templates for Episodes 1 and 2, respectively, in case you aren’t up to date on your TV history – […]
Warner Brothers, HBO Max, and the Future of Film Distribution
Since the pandemic has struck the film distribution model has been disrupted. Many companies have tried and failed to make a profit from the Premium Video-on-Demand. Warner Brothers have made the radical decision to release all their 2021 scheduled films in cinemas and HBO Max at the same time. Reactions to Warner Brothers’ has been […]