Well, so the truth as to what really went down on Brendock sixteen years ago wasn’t exactly what I predicted last week. For one, Vernestra doesn’t appear to have anything to do with that particular incident (although I suspect mine – and pretty much everyone else’s – prediction that she has a connection to Qimir, […]
Tag: Disney
The Acolyte – Night Review
I am genuinely perplexed as to exactly what Leslye Headland and her writing staff are trying to do with The Acolyte at this stage of the game. It appeared that the reveal of Qimir as The Master was meant to be a surprise of some kind, when the series not only completely tipped its hand […]
Doctor Who – Empire of Death Review
After the epic close of last week’s episode, I expected an equally epic conclusion to the story. Alas, what we got was a mixed bag from a storytelling perspective, with our heroes defeating the seemingly undefeatable villain with very little effort on the part of The Doctor. The Ruby reveal, while anti-climactic in the end, […]
The Upcoming Streaming Crunch
Streaming was seen to be a game changer for the entertainment industry. It was meant to usher in a new era where most content would be available online and make cinemas and physical media obsolete. This bright future has not come to pass and now we are starting to see signs of the streaming crunch. […]
The Acolyte – Day Review
I have amassed a number of television pet peeves in my time working as a critic, but near the top of the list is episodes in a serialized show that exist solely to be a bridge to the major climax of a season. Now, I’m not talking about an episode that takes narrative strides to […]
Doctor Who – The Legend of Ruby Sunday Review
We’ve come to the close of this season of Doctor Who, which means that it’s time for Russell T. Davies to dive into the lingering mysteries of the season, hopefully offering explanations that make sense (and resonate on a deeper, character-driven level of storytelling). With part one of the two-part season finale, we get the […]
The Acolyte – Destiny Review
If you’ve followed any of the social media posting around The Acolyte, you’ve probably heard that this week’s episode, “Destiny,” was going to “break Star Wars.” Well, we’ve all seen it now, and I think we can agree* that while the episode injected some interesting new mythology into the world of Star Wars, it definitely […]
Doctor Who – Rogue Review
After last week’s emotional gut-punch of a final note (which we didn’t get any further commentary on this week, not that it was expected but it might have been a nice touch), this episode was much more in the vein of your traditional Doctor Who adventure – except much more queer than in past seasons […]
The Acolyte – Lost/Found and Revenge/Justice Review
When I first heard that The Acolyte was coming to Disney+ as the latest Star Wars television series, I wasn’t all that excited about it. After all, the Star Wars live action television series have been quite the mixed bag, and the track record of late hasn’t been all that great (with Andor being the […]
Doctor Who – Dot and Bubble Review
“What would happen if Doctor Who tried its hand at a Black Mirror episode,” seems like it could have easily been the pitch for “Dot and Bubble,” this week’s Who installment that certainly seemed to pull from the Black Mirror universe in its basic structure – including that gut-punch of a final sequence. And while […]