It has been 39 years since the Transformers series made its cinematic debut with The Transformers: The Movie. Transformers One sees everyone’s favourite Autobots and Decepticons have their first cinematic animated adventure since the 1980s. Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry) are lowly miner bots who can’t transform. Even though the pair […]
Tag: Eric Pearson
Black Widow Review
After many years of waiting Black Widow finally gets her own film. After a year’s delay Black Widow’s film was a great return for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johannson) has gone on the run after the events of Captain America: Civil War. Not only does she have to avoid the American government, […]
Godzilla vs. Kong Review
The MonsterVerse has been building up to this event for years, the ultimate clash between America and Japan’s greatest monsters. After such a long wait a question has arisen, was it worth the wait? Following the events of the previous movie, Godzilla is the undisputed King of the Monsters. This has led to Monarch putting Kong in […]