It has been 39 years since the Transformers series made its cinematic debut with The Transformers: The Movie. Transformers One sees everyone’s favourite Autobots and Decepticons have their first cinematic animated adventure since the 1980s. Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry) are lowly miner bots who can’t transform. Even though the pair […]
Tag: Gabriel Ferrari
Ant-Man and the Wasp Review
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown to be a galaxy-spanning entity where billions of lives are at stake. The Ant-Man series acts as a counterbalance, offering smaller adventures within the universe. Following the events of the first Ant-Man film Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and his daughter Hope (Evangeline Lilly) are given hope that they can save the original Wasp (Michelle Pfeiffer) from the Quantum Realm. They […]