My favorite type of ending is one that refuses to tie everything up in a little bow. It’s Buffy looking out over the crater of Sunnydale, offering a small smile, while refusing to answer any of the myriad of questions being thrown her way. It’s not knowing just what fate will befall Paige Jennings as […]
Tag: HBO
His Dark Materials – The Dæmon Cages Review (A Book Fan’s Perspective)
“The Dæmon Cages” sees His Dark Materials go into horror territory as Lyra sees the full scale of the Magisterium’s operation. Lyra (Dafne Keen) has been captured (again) and taken to Bolvagar, the Fields of Evil. She gets to reunite with Roger (Lewin Lloyd) and she plans to start a jailbreak, knowing the Gyptians are coming. However, […]
His Dark Materials – The Daemon-Cages Review (A Newbie’s Perspective)
I have a confession to make: I broke down and asked Twitter to explain just what was happening with His Dark Materials. Not everything, mind you. I get the basic machinations of the plot (Magisterium bad, Asriel flighty, polar bears awesome, daemons = the soul of the person, people can travel between universes, Lyra is […]
Watchmen – A God Walks into Abar Review
We’ve had a lot of time travel stories over the past few years, and almost all of them fall apart at some point in the narrative. But “A God Walking into Abar” might be the first that actually holds up all the way through while also giving us its own take on the grandfather paradox.* […]
The Top 10 TV Shows of the Decade
With the 2010s coming to a close, it’s my duty as a TV critic to create a Top 10 List of the best TV shows of the decade. Seriously. Check all the other entertainment sites. We’re all doing it. (And, if I’m honest, we’re all putting a lot of the same shows on our lists […]
His Dark Materials – The Lost Boy Review (A Newbie’s Perspective)
So just when I start to think I’ve got a grasp on the story, it goes off and introduces a new character that is apparently crucial to the story and the mirror to Lyra (who is clearly the special child of the magical realm). I don’t know if the books introduce Will to the story […]
His Dark Materials – The Lost Boy Review (A Book Fan’s Perspective)
“The Lost Boy” was the episode of His Dark Materials I was most looking forward to because I knew it would cover one of my favourite moments in the novels. Following on from their rampage at Trollesund the Gyptians travel northwards to Bolvangar. When Lyra reads the alethiometer she finds out that the Gyptians will be outmanned and outgunned. […]
Watchmen – An Almost Religious Awe Review
I have to admit, so much happened in “An Almost Religious Awe” that I don’t really know where to jump into this review. I suppose the best jumping-off point would be with the continuing deepening of what we know about our protagonist, Angela Abar – especially since she seems to be the link to the […]
His Dark Materials – Armour Review (A Book Fan’s Perspective)
After three episodes of build-up, His Dark Materials finally moves the story onto the North and introduces two popular characters from the novels. The Gyptians have arrived in the port town of Trollesund and immediately set out to find allies to aid them on their quest. Farder Corman (James Cosmo) and Lyra (Dafne Keen) go to The Witch’s Counsel […]
His Dark Materials – Armour Review (A Newbie’s Perspective)
Guys. Guys! There are polar bears with armor! And they are so cute! (Ok, they do also exude the regal elements the show clearly wants them to, but they are also talking polar bears wearing bear-sized armor, which means they are also adorable.) But, most importantly, this was an good hour of television from start […]