“Joy to the World” is the second Christmas special of the Disney era of Doctor Who. This Christmas-set adventure sees The Doctor team up with Derry Girls/Bridgerton star Nicola Coughlan. Joy Almondo (Coughlan) books into a hotel in London on Christmas Day 2024. Her simple stay escalates quickly when a Silurian hotel manager and a […]
Tag: Joel Fry
Cruella Review
In recent years Disney has gone back to their animated back catalogue so they can turn these classics into live-action films. Their latest film, Cruella, focuses on one of Disney’s greatest villains and sets the record straight for her. Estella Miller (Tipper Selfert-Cleveland) is a creative, forthright, yet disruptive child. After her mother’s death, Estella […]
Yesterday Review
Yesterday is a film that has gathered some of the biggest talents in British entertainment. It was produced by Working Title Films, directed by Academy Award winner Danny Boyle, written by Richard Curtis, and centred on the music of The Beatles. Jack Malik (Himesh Patel) is a struggling musician who is prepared to give it up after one […]