As someone who never read Dennis Tafoya’s 2009 novel “Dope Thief,” which is something I find myself saying a whole heck of a lot when it comes to AppleTV+ series of late, I wasn’t all that sure what to expect when I dove into the eight-episode miniseries. And, you know what? Despite some strange tonal […]
Tag: Kate Mulgrew
Star Trek: Picard – Dominion Review
Oh god. Poor Tuvok. For some reason, until that reveal – and the rather graphic description of just what torture Tuvok was being forced to endure – the true danger of the Changeling infiltration hadn’t really hit me. Sure, they might (read: almost certainly will) try to blow up the Fleet at Frontier Day (along […]
Orange is the New Black Season Seven Review and Retrospective
The end of Orange is the New Black marks the end of an era for streaming television. It might be hard to fathom now, but when Netflix launched Orange is the New Black and House of Cards within months of each other in 2013, no one was sure if the nascent television network (which, until […]