A Real Pain is a comedy-drama that marks Jesse Eisenberg’s second film as a writer/director and follows a pair of cousins as they travel around Poland. David (Jesse Eisenberg) and Benji (Kieran Culkin) are cousins who travel to Poland on a personal pilgrim to honour their deceased grandmother and Polish-Jewish heritage. They go on an […]
Tag: Kieran Culkin
Succession Series Finale: Post Mortem
In the end, the number one boy of Succession was the guy who had been willing – since the inception of the series – to put himself in just the right position to secure his continued success. He didn’t seek out power for himself; rather, he placed himself just close enough to the power centers […]
Succession: Television’s Most Relatable Unrelatable Series
Remember when Game of Thrones went off the air back in May and everyone wondered if HBO would ever have another hit show that captured the cultural zeitgeist? Well, who would have thought it would only take them a few months to clean-up once again? For those of us who fell in love (or fell […]
Why You Should Drop Everything and Watch HBO’s Succession
When HBO’s Succession premiered back in June, it didn’t get the best of reviews. Critics were relatively cold on the series, and like many, I decided I would skip it. After all, in the age of Peak TV, there’s barely enough time to watch the shows you love, much less add a new show, sight […]