The saga of Kora and her band of warriors continues in the second part of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon series. Kora (Sofia Boutella) arrives back on Veldt with a group of diverse warriors, including a former general, Titus (Djimon Hounsou), Tarak (Staz Nair), an exiled nobleman, and Nemesis (Doona Bae), a cyborg swordsmith. Kora and the warriors […]
Tag: Michiel Huisman
Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire Review
Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire is a space opera Zack Snyder and Netflix plan to use as a launching pad for a franchise. It is already a film that has stirred a lot of debate. Kora (Sofia Boutella) is a woman who lives in a simple farming community on the moon of Veldt. […]
Kate Review
2014’s John Wick has upped the game across the action genre. Many films have tried to replicate that series’ style. Kate is the latest film trying to follow in John Wick’s footsteps. Kate (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is an American assassin working in Japan. Killing yakuza bosses is a dangerous game and Kate gets poisoned with a radioactive substance. She […]