The Mission: Impossible film series has arguably been getting better and better with each installment. After a five-year gap since its previous entry and three years since it started filming, the series returns with the first part of a two-part finale. An Artificial Intelligence program known as The Entity has developed self-awareness and has been infiltrating computers around […]
Tag: Mission: Impossible
Till Review
The murder of Emmett Till was an event that shocked America and became an important milestone in the Civil Rights Movement. The story of his mother attempting to get justice is told with Till. Mamie Till (Danielle Deadwyler) is a woman who is incredibly close to her 14-year-old son, Emmett (Jalyn Hall). He is often […]
The Coronavirus’s Impact on the Film and TV Industries
The Coronavirus has affected all aspects of life and led to Lockdowns around the globe. The film and TV industries were no different and there will be an impact on the short and medium-term, at least. The Pandemic and Lockdown will affect both the releasing and production of film and TV. The immediate effect has […]
Mission: Impossible – Fallout Review
Mission Impossible is one of Paramount’s most lucrative and popular franchises and proves that Tom Cruise is still a credible action star in his mid-50s. Now a sixth film is out it is one of the best the franchise has to offer. Two years after the event of Rogue Nation the reminding members of the Syndicate have reformed to […]