The BBC’s adaptation of Tabby McTat is the second feline animated story to be broadcast on British TV this festive period. Tabby McTat is a busker’s cat. He performs every day with Fred (Rob Brydon), but when Fred is injured chasing a theft, he leaves Tabby McTat as a stray. Tabby McTat gets taken in by Sock […]
Tag: Rob Brydon
Holmes & Watson Review
2018’s Holmes & Watson has earned a reputation for being one of the worst mainstream comedies made in recent years, ‘winning’ four Razzies. But does it deserve this reputation? Sherlock Holmes (Will Ferrell) is the most celebrated detective in London despite being a pompous arse. Holmes and his loyal assistant, John Watson (John C. Reilly) face their […]
Blinded by the Light Review
Inspired by the youth of Sarfraz Manzoor and the lyrics of Bruce Springsteen Blinded by the Light – is a coming-of-age story that has been promoted as the ‘feel-good’ film of the summer. Javed (Viveik Kalra) is a British-Pakistani teen who wants to leave his home town of Luton to escape his overbearing father (Kulvinder Ghir.) Javed has a […]