The first season of Invincible, Prime Video’s adaptation of Robert Kirkman (who also created the animated series), Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley’s comic series of the same name, was a surprising success for the streaming service. Telling the tale of Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun), a high school senior with a superhero for a dad (that […]
Tag: Robert Kirkman
Renfield Review
There have been many featuring the Prince of Darkness himself, Dracula. Renfield is the latest film to feature the famous vampire. Robert Montague Renfield (Nicholas Hoult) is Dracula’s familiar. He must do the usual things for his master: find accommodation, get victims, and protect the Count from the forces of good.  When Renfield finds himself in New Orleans […]
Invincible Season One Review
In the continuing streaming battle, Amazon has fallen behind not only its early rival Netflix, but also recent additions like AppleTV+ in the push for buzzy shows. I rarely hear people talking about the great new show on Amazon – or even talking about Amazon’s TV offerings at all – which is a bit of […]