Pirates is a coming-of-age comedy where a group of teenagers celebrate New Year’s Eve during the Millennium and serves the Reggie Yates’ directional feature debut. Two Tonne (Jordan Peters), Cappo (Elliot Edusah), and Kidda (Reda Elazouar) are friends who meet up for the first time since Cappo has gone to uni. Their plans for the Millennium get cemented […]
Tag: Shiloh Coke
This Way Up – Season 1 Episode 5 Review
The fifth and penultimate episode of This Way Up is one that shows off both the strengths and weaknesses of the series. Aine (Aisling Bea) agrees to meet her ex-boyfriend Freddie (Chris Greer) at a bar after work. After some drinks and games of pools, Aine has a night of fun with her flatmate, Bradley (Kadiff Kirwan) […]