The BBC’s adaptation of Tabby McTat is the second feline animated story to be broadcast on British TV this festive period. Tabby McTat is a busker’s cat. He performs every day with Fred (Rob Brydon), but when Fred is injured chasing a theft, he leaves Tabby McTat as a stray. Tabby McTat gets taken in by Sock […]
Tag: Sope Dirisu
10 Great Candidates to Play James Bond
The role of James Bond is currently vacant, and speculation is high regarding who could be the next 007. It’s one of the most coveted roles in cinema and the media and fans have suggested many candidates. I am Pop Culture Maniacs’ resident Bond fan so I am offering up a list of 10 candidates […]
His House Review
His House is a British horror film that has been met with critical acclaim, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, and earned two BIFA awards. Bol (Sope Dirisu) and Rial (Wunmi Mosaku) are refugees from South Sudan who get asylum in the UK. They are given a house on the outskirts of London, but they struggle […]