Spy x Family is an action spy comedy based on a manga by Tatsuya Endo. It is directed and written by Kazuhiro Furuhashi. It is produced by Wit Studio and CloverWorks. The latter studio is known for many series, including Akebi’s Sailor Uniform, My Dress-Up Darling, In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki, and Bocchi the […]
Tag: spy-comedy
Bondathon: Casino Royale (1967)
The 1967 version of Casino Royale was the second adaptation of Ian Fleming’s novel and the second unofficial Bond film. It is also the worst film to have anything to do with the legendary spy. The major intelligence services are in crisis. Their best agents have been captured or killed. In desperation, MI6, the CIA, Deuxième Bureau, and […]
Johnny English Strikes Again Review
Have you ever wondered what James Bond would be like if he was an incompetent idiot? That is what you get with the Johnny English series. Rowan Atkinson makes his third appearance as the inept spy in Johnny English Strikes Again. MI7 and Britain face their greatest threat when a hacker reveals the names and aliases of their […]
The Spy Who Dumped Me Review
The Spy Who Dumped Me is latest spy-comedy to come from Hollywood and sees Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon team up as they get sucked into the world of international espionage. Audrey Stockton (Kunis) is a constant underachiever whose boyfriend dumped her in a text. In an act of revenge Audrey sets out to burn all his belonging […]