Kin-iro Mosaic is the anime adaptation of Yui Hara’s slice-of-life comedic manga. It’s known as Kinmoza or translated as “Golden Mosaic.” Apart from the anime, which ran for two seasons, as Kin-iro Mosaic and Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic, there was also a 50-minute OVA entitled Kin-iro Mosaic: Pretty Days and 82-minute film Kin-iro Mosaic: Thank You!! […]
Tag: Stardust Telepath
Stardust Telepath Spoiler-Filled Review
Stardust Telepath, also known as Hoshikuzu Terepasu or Hoshikuzu Telepath, is a sci-fi yuri series. It’s based on a three-volume manga illustrated and written by Rasuko ÅŒkuma. Kaori directed the series. She supervised the show’s script with Natsuko Takahashi. Studio Gokumi produced the series. Umika Konohoshi (voiced by Yurie Funato) is a girl, who like […]