Villainous, also known as Villanos, is animated series which mixes the science fantasy, morbid humor, and comedy horror genres. Alan Ituriel, a veteran of the Mexican animation industry, is the series creator. This series is produced by Ituriel’s A.I. Animation Studios and Cartoon Network. Humberto Cervera and Mayte Sanz are also executive producers. This review […]
Tag: Superhero show
Pop Culture Maniacs #25: Black Widow and Loki Review
Jean Henegan and Kieran Freemantle review Black Widow and Loki Season One in the podcast.
Krypton – Pilot Review
Krypton is a prequel series to Superman which was made for the Syfy network in the United States and broadcasted on E4 in the UK. Set 200 years before Kal-El is sent to Earth his family loses their titles and rank after Val-El (Ian McElhinney) is executed for treason. His grandson, Sel-El (Cameron Cuffe) is forced to grow up in […]