TV TV Reviews

This Way Up – Season 2, Episode 5 Review

The fourth episode of This Way Up’s second season was disappointing because it was a nothing episode. The follow-up episode was a big improvement as it was filled with character drama.

It’s Shona’s Hen Do, but it has to be a scaled-back affair due to the rise of the Coronavirus. Vish drops a bombshell on Shona when he says he wants to have kids. Shona meets a journalist with Charlotte to promote their business. Aine gets to meet one of Richard’s friends and tries to make a good impression.

This episode was a lot more to unpack. There was a lot of character action going on. The best way to approach this episode was to think of it being made of two halves. The first half was about the Hen Do, the second focused on the night after. The night after was split into two concurring events.

This was Shona’s episode since she had a double plotline. These plotlines were also interlinked because they were about Shona’s relationships. Shona’s relationships has been a long-running thread in this season. She has separated from Vish by an ocean and things were tense with Charlotte due to their experience at the end of Season One.

At the start of this episode, there was a catch-up of previous episodes, particularly Season One, Episode Four. In that episode, Shona and Aine met Vish’s family and Vish reveals he has no plans to have children. These plans have changed and complicate Shona’s feelings. If Shona decides to adopt, she would have to commit 100% to Vish. It wouldn’t be fair to bring a child into this relationship if Shona is confused about her feelings for Vish.

Shona and Charlotte were able to have a reconciliation due to the interview. The interviewer questions Charlotte’s sexuality which led to her being defensive. She says she didn’t want to be seen as just the ‘brown lesbian.’ The pair were already facing an uphill battle because they were women working in The City, they didn’t need any added complications. Shona and Charlotte had a powerful moment when they sit on the floor together after they shared some home truths.

Aine’s story wasn’t as big but she did have a moment people could relate with. Aine meets one of Richard’s friends and they seem to get along. However, Aine overhears the friend talk behind her back and she puts on a brave face when she says goodbye.

This episode was an improvement over the last episode because there was some character drama. Shona had to go through a lot in this episode.

  • Direction
  • Writing
  • Acting

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