Young Love is a mature animated comedy spun off from the short film, Hair Love, by Matthew A. Cherry, Everett Downing Jr., and Bruce W. Smith. Cherry, who created this series, began working in the entertainment industry in 2007. Downing created the Afrofuturist series My Dad the Bounty Hunter. Smith created The Proud Family and […]
Tag: adult animation
Disenchantment Part 5 Spoiler-Filled Review
Disenchantment is a mature animated adventure fantasy. Well-known animation producer Matt Groening created the series and co-developed it with Josh Weinstein, who also worked on The Simpsons. Groening and Weinstein are executive producers, along with Rough Draft Studios Vice President Claudia Katz, writer Eric Horstead, writer and producer Bill Oakley, and former Writers Guild of […]
My Adventures With Superman Season One Spoiler-Filled Review
My Adventures with Superman is animated superhero series which mixes the romantic comedy, action-adventure, and sci-fi genres. It’s the latest adaptation of Superman, a DC Comics character. DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation produce the series. Studio Mir was contracted for animation services. Studio Mir, a South Korean animation studio, is known for its work […]
Rick and Morty – Ricktional Mortpoon’s Rickmas Mortcation Review
Rick and Morty’s sixth season has come to an end. It concludes with a Christmas episode and continues the wider story. It’s Christmas time and Rick gets gifts from across the multiverse for his family. This includes a lightsabre for Morty. However, when Morty drops the lightsabre vertically, he discovers that Rick had replaced himself […]
Rick and Morty – A Rick in King Mortur’s Mort Review
Rick and Morty’s sixth season reached its penultimate episode. This time Rick and Morty end up in an adventure involving Medieval knights and political tensions across the Solar System. When waiting in line for a popup food truck, Morty’s chivalry gets noticed by two members of the Knights of the Sun. They offer Morty a […]
Rick and Morty – Analyze Piss Review
Following on from the self-referential adventure, “Full Meta Jackrick,” Rick and Morty have gone in a different direction with the episode “Analyze Piss.” Rick gets tired of the constant attacks from Z-list supervillains and gets advice from the family therapist, Dr. Wong. She advises Rick to just ignore the villains and they will go away. However, when […]
Rick and Morty – Full Meta Jackrick Review
After a brief hiatus the sixth season of Rick and Morty with the self-referential episode “Full Meta Jackrick.” It’s an episode that acts as a sequel to “Never Ricking Morty.” Rick and Morty find they have the target of a space parasite that makes them experience past events that never really happened. When they break free from […]
Rick and Morty – Juricksic Mort Review
The previous episode of Rick and Morty, “Final DeSmithation” was a disappointment with the plot centred around incest. “Juricksic Mort” sees the show return to a more traditional story. A group of advanced dinosaurs land on Earth and seeing how much humanity has buggered up the planet decide to act as benevolent overlords. Due to Earth turning into […]
Rick and Morty – Final DeSmithation Review
Rick and Morty had been on a hot streak with “Rick: A Mort Well Lived,” “Bethic Twinstinct,” and “Night Family.” However, with “Final DeSmithation,” Rick and Morty has fallen into more juvenile territory. After having a meal at Panda Express, Jerry gets a fortune cookie saying he will have sex with his mum. Jerry treats the fortune seriously […]
Rick and Morty – Night Family Review
“Rick: A Mort Well Lived” and “Bethic Twinstinct” have been great episodes of Rick and Morty and showed that there’s still life in the show. “Night Family” is even better and the best episode of Season Six, so far. Rick has brought a device that allowed him to programme his body to do tasks whilst he’s asleep. […]